What Our Sponsors Have to Say

The organizations that sponsor NCEDA and our events represent a broad array of sectors and interests. Each has its own reason for supporting our efforts to promote economic development and build the skills of economic developers in our state.

We frequently hear from our sponsors about the reasons they back NCEDA and the benefits they receive as a result of that support.

John Nelms, Senior Economic Development Manager
Duke Energy – North Carolina

“Duke Energy is committed to supporting economic development in North Carolina.  NCEDA provides the perfect forum for local, state, regional, and ally partners to convene, and work toward a common goal of increasing the economic vitality of the state.”

Colleen Walton, Marketing Strategist
Brand Acceleration, Inc – Orlando, FL

“As sponsors of NCEDA, we are able to benefit greatly from proximity to economic development professionals and site location consultants. We leave every event with a handful of leads that often turn into successful business partnerships. Our sponsorship has also allowed us to form exclusive relationships with members of the NCEDA board. These relationships have become an invaluable resource for information that make us even better marketers.”

Ernest C. Pearson
Nexsen Pruet, LLC – Raleigh, NC

“My membership in NCEDA is THE most valuable professional affiliation I have in my economic development law practice and consulting activities.  The relationships I have built up through my activities with the Association provides a constant feed of good clients.  So I very seldom miss attending conferences and have been rewarded many times over for the time I have spent in leadership positions.”