If you’re directly involved in economic development at the local, regional or state level in North Carolina, or if your organization acts in support of economic development efforts, membership in NCEDA will sharpen your skills, expand your connections and strengthen your work in growing our state’s economy.
As an NCEDA member, you’ll be able to take advantage of professional development programs, opportunities to expand your personal network of economic developers, gain skills and knowledge to advance your career and play a role in affecting legislative actions related to economic development and North Carolina’s economy.
Members tell us they particularly appreciate the opportunity to develop working relationships with their fellow professionals and allies who support our profession. Those relationships help them become more effective in their daily work, open new opportunities for business and provide access to a network of sounding boards and problem-solvers. In addition to events focused on association networking, NCEDA conferences draw connections, such as site selection consultants, corporate executives and real estate professionals, sparking discussions that can lead to or support new projects in your community.
If you’re already an NCEDA member, renewing your membership is the best way to keep you connected with your fellow professionals throughout the state. We hope you’re taking full advantage of the many networking and educational opportunities available to you as a member. If not, why not join us at our next event?
Click HERE for our NCEDA Overview document.
Membership dues are $295 annually with an additional $25 application fee the first year.
Begin your membership today or update your membership profile.
Please note 50% of membership dues are related to nondeductible lobbying expenditures.