Opportunities to Serve on NCEDA’s Standing Committees

The continued success of the North Carolina Economic Development Association depends largely on the time and talent members provide through our standing committees. The members of these committees have an opportunity to support NCEDA’s important efforts and achieve professional and personal growth by serving in the areas that interest them.

NCEDA needs and appreciates the work of active and involved members, and serving on a committee is a great way to provide that support. We encourage you to identify the area that interests you most and contact the chair of that committee to learn how you can become involved.

2024 Fall Conference Committee

Co-Chairs: André Lennon and Dan Warrick
This committee chooses the theme of the Fall Conference, develops the program and assists the NCEDA management team with logistics.

2025 Spring Conference / Site Selectors Summit Committee

Co-Chairs: Nate Groover and Marvin Price
This committee chooses the theme of the Spring Conference, develops the program and assists the NCEDA management team with logistics.

2025 Annual Conference Committee

Chair: Brittany Brady
This committee chooses the theme of the Annual Conference, develops the program and assists the NCEDA management team with logistics.

Legislative Committee

Chair: Natalie Hawkins
Vice Chair: Trey Cash
This committee addresses NCEDA’s legislative priorities and updates, calls to action, the annual Legislative Day, and other legislative outreach. Members serve as key links to activate our grassroots advocacy for issues critical to North Carolina’s economic development.

Marketing and Membership Committee

Chair: Julie Pruett
Vice Chair: Todd Tucker
This committee helps create internal and external marketing strategies and  builds member engagement through recruitment and retention efforts.

Professional Development Committee

Chair: Clark Duncan
Vice Chair: Timothy Downs
This committee provides topical direction, speaker selection, and scheduling for webinars, networking luncheons and educational opportunities. This committee also oversees the NCEDA awards programs, scholarships and works closely with the Emerging Executives Initiative.

Emerging Executives Committee

Chair: Albert Alwang
Vice Chair: Anna Walker
This committee provides topical direction, speaker selection, and scheduling for the annual Emerging Executives Forum, coordinates the community service projects and oversees the NCEDA Mentoring Program. Must be under 40 or have less than 5 years of experience working in economic development to serve on the Emerging Executives Committee.

NC Economic Development Career Trek Committee

Co-Chairs: Joanna Helms and Dr. Patricia Mitchell, CEcD
The inaugural Career Trek program was held in February 2024, hosting over 60 undergrad and graduate level students highlighting economic development as a potential career path. It was very successful, and the plan is to host our 2nd Career Trek program in early 2025. This committee develops the agenda for the Career Trek program and assists the NCEDA management team with logistics.

NCEDA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee

Chair: Gary Lanier
Vice Chair: André Lennon
This committee was created in 2023 to develop and implement a holistic approach to a sustainable strategy that increases diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging within the Association and the Foundation. Committee members meet every other month.

If you have any questions or would like to join a planning committee,
contact Liz Dobbins-Smith at 888.246.2332 or liz@nceda.org